Thursday, October 17, 2019

Write a research critique of 6 research papers on communication Essay

Write a research critique of 6 research papers on communication between parents and children on sex education - Essay Example ) examined whether the family type or parenting style, taking into consideration socio-economic status and whether the families were single- or multi-parent environments, maintained a direct correlation with child willingness to report sexual activity or influenced early sexual experimentation. Surveys were distributed to approximately 8,766 students with widely-different socio-economic backgrounds, with questions addressing parental style in relation to strictness or more liberal parents in order to indicate whether a correlation existed between these factors and early teenage sexual exploration. The results indicated that children from lone parent families or those adolescents who were born to teenage mothers were more likely to explore sexual gratification than those from multi-parented families. Levels of parental restrictive behaviours maintained no connection to early-age sexual exploration. The results tend to support the notion that the traditional nuclear family, consisting of a biological mother and father, creates a more stable environment in which todays youths are more willing to discuss sexuality and sexual experimentation due to an increased parental support network which single parent families usually cannot provide in abundance. This assessment is likely due to the financial and work-related strains of a single parent who is not as widely-available to children to provide ongoing encouragement toward safe and responsible sexual behaviours. Henslin (2003) supports this notion, as the author suggests that lone-parent families are often the catalyst for child willingness to explore early sexual behaviours due to diminished authoritarian presences (the second parent) in the household. Perhaps the results of this particular study can assist health care professionals to address the dangers of early-age sexual exploration to the youth by first addressing the socio-ec onomic and family structure of children during youth counselling sessions. Recognising

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